Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 19th

Southern Flying Squirrels From U.S. Go A-Courtin' in Canada In Canada, there is a species of flying squirrels called northern flying squirrels, or to be scientific, Glaucomys volans. In the U.S. there is a species of flying squirrels called the southern flying squirrels, or Glaucomys sabrinus. The main reason why flying squirrels are called flying squirrels, is because they glide in the air from tree to tree, when they want to go to a different tree. Both species look fairly similar, but the main difference is that the northern flying squirrel is more quiet and docile, while the southern flying squirrel is noisy, boisterous, and acts as a bully towards the Northern flying squirrels. It is possible for both of these species to mate and reproduce, but wildlife biologists are wondering why these two species are even mating in the first place. Biologists believe that the reason why this is happening, is because of a change in weather during different seasons such as winter, when the winters aren't as harsh anymore. The northern squirrels are more comfortable with the colder weather, while the southern squirrels are not as adaptable to the cold weather. And now, due to less biting cold during the Canadian winters, the southern squirrels are still able to mingle with the northern squirrels. Wildlife biologists suspect that the two species first started interacting in 2002, when biologists found strange mixes between both breeds. Mr. Bowman, a wildlife biologist who works for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources made a team in 2004 and went out to capture northern flying squirrels, but instead, only caught southerners. THis was in the northern migration location of the southern flying squirrels, but this location was also a place where northerners stayed. As the team ventured north, they brought along a geneticist from Trent University. As they studied the flying squirrels in this area, they found out that approximately 5% of the squirrels there had a mixed gene pool from both species. Because we are not capable of controlling the migration habits of these squirrels, and we cannot control whether they commingle or not, we might as well give them a memorable name. People have come up with Glaucomys vobrinus, a combination of the two latin names of the animals. Peopl cannot call them canadian squirrels, because that is what the northern squirrels are referred to as. Mr. Bowman, is leaning towards calling them SoNo, because they are southern, and northern fliers.

Northern Flying Squirrel

Southern Flying Squirrel

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18th

At LVMH, a Young Arnault Seeks New Talent Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton is starting to look towards creating new brands due to the decrease of sales occurring with their older brands such as Louis Vuitton and Givenchy. Delphine Arnault, daughter of Bernard Arnault, is coming up with ideas to speed up her father's company's sales. Her actions last month included bringing new designers such as the British shoemaker Nicholas Kirkwood and  J.W. Anderson into the LVMH group. Although it is not usually normal for large fashion companies such as LVMH to buy smaller start-up fashion companies, it is effective for both LVMH, and the smaller start-up. The start-up designers gain more sales, and more people are notified about their clothing lines, and LVMH has more overall sales. This has been much more successful than trying to bring older brands such as Pucci back to life. Although Louis Vuitton is the main key to LVMH fortune, these other smaller brands, will help bring more popularity to LVMH's fashion houses. The first designer to join the company was Maxime Simoens, a French designer. He said that when he met them, they were very interested in what he wanted to do, and his personal sense of fashion. THis clearly shows how Delphine Arnault's search for new fashion talent is paying off well for the company.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12th

A Chemistry Breakthrough That Could Fuel a Revolution Due to the latest technology, scientists have been able to discover all different sorts of things. This includes a new possible fuel that could be used in cars. This fuel is called methanol. Methanol is a fuel which is created from carbon dioxide, meaning that this fuel is more energy efficient. Methanol differs from regular gasoline and ethanol in several different ways. Firstly, methanol has been tested as a car fuel, and it didn't give off as many dangerous emissions as gasoline or ethanol. Methanol, also doesn't cost as much as gasoline and ethanol, and unlike ethanol, methanol won't raise the cost of food. When methanol was being used, less mono-nitrogen oxides are emitted into the air. Mono-nitrogen oxide is a gas released into the air by gasoline and ethanol which produces smog and acid rain. Finally, methanol also had a higher performance rating than gasoline. Methanol is something that could be highly useful for our world. Due to lab testing, we have found out that now, instead of paying tons of money to get rid of carbon dioxide, we can turn it into methanol, which is good for the environment, and energy efficient. Now, due to new discoveries, we have found a way to power family cars while still protecting the environment.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8th

A Tired Pilot Is a Tired Pilot, Regardless of the Plane Recently, international airplane pilots have been falling asleep while in the air, so that the plane is flying only on autopilot for unknown periods of time. One example is a pilot and copilot who were flying an International Airbus-330 to the United Kingdom, and they fell asleep midway through the flight. They fell asleep because they had only gotten five hours of sleep during the previous 48 hours, or 2 days. This is reminding people of the danger of having fatigued pilots flying any long-distance aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration will soon implement new rules for pilot fatigue. The Federal Avaition Administration has set up a rule that all pilots must have had at least 10 hours of sleep before a flight, because fatigue crawls up onto these pilots and decreases their mental capacity, making it difficult for them to keep control over the plane, because they want it sleep. In a survey pilots took, about half of them admitted to dozing off during a flight. The Federal Aviation Administration should really be more careful and make rules and guidelines, before innocent lives are put into danger.

Friday, October 4, 2013

October 4th


How ObamaCare Wrecks the Work Ethic Due to president Obama's Affordable Care Act, a new redistribution will arrive on January 1st, New Year's Day, of next year. This act will force people who hire others to pay for their full health care plan, while giving giving discounts to all others. Due to Obama's presidential regime, the taxes have also been quite high. Our lowest was in 2008, when the marginal tax rate was 43.9%. By 2016, the tax rate will probably be around 50%, but the good thing is that we won't have to worry about health care costs in addition to that. By 2015, people will only be holding half of their work slalry, and the reward for having a job will go down 17%. For now, expect the unexpected with health care acts and tax rates.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 29th

Personal Journal/Social News

Pop Quiz: Why Are Fractions Key to Future Math Success? Many school students do fine in math until they reach fourth grade. The start of fractions. Kids do just fine when they learn about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with whole numbers, but fractions defy the laws of whole number mathematics. When you multiply fractions, they become smaller, and when you divide them it becomes bigger, something that can really confuse children. Fractions are the stepping stones of mathematics, and unless you can clearly understand fractions, it is difficult to understand algebra, geometry, and many other major mathematical and scientific concepts. Now, to fix this problem, teachers are starting to drift away from the classic cutting a pie or pizza into pieces method of teaching fractions. Now, teachers are using methods such as asking students to point out fractions on a number line, to teach them about fractions. Students are also being taught about the denominator in a fraction in third grade, so that they have an introduction to fractions from an earlier point of time. This is making young students more successful in math, and they are still able to keep their high 90-range percentage averages on tests, although they are being introduced to things such as fractions, which defy all the rules taught when using whole numbers.

Cloud Video For You and Your Friends' Many Devices Now, due to more advanced technology, it is possible for us to share videos with other people between multiple devices. The only problem is, that it isn't that easy. It's pretty simple to tape a short video of you dog saying "I love you" or something like that and post it on Vine or Instagram, but what about larger video files? Longer videos can be stored in storage services such as Dropbox. Now a new app call RealPlayer Cloud is being released, in which you can send videos of any length to your friends. The app is able to successfully open video files on all gadgets such as Android, Apple, and PC's. Although it isn'e possible to upload video files to RealPlayer Cloud on mobile devices, it is still possible to play videos, and share them. RealPlayer cloud is free for two GB of storage, $49 per year for 25 GB, $99 for 100 GB, and $299 for 300 GB. Although it may cost a price depending on the amount of storage you wish for, it is a much cleaner way to share home videos with other members of society.