Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 19th

Southern Flying Squirrels From U.S. Go A-Courtin' in Canada In Canada, there is a species of flying squirrels called northern flying squirrels, or to be scientific, Glaucomys volans. In the U.S. there is a species of flying squirrels called the southern flying squirrels, or Glaucomys sabrinus. The main reason why flying squirrels are called flying squirrels, is because they glide in the air from tree to tree, when they want to go to a different tree. Both species look fairly similar, but the main difference is that the northern flying squirrel is more quiet and docile, while the southern flying squirrel is noisy, boisterous, and acts as a bully towards the Northern flying squirrels. It is possible for both of these species to mate and reproduce, but wildlife biologists are wondering why these two species are even mating in the first place. Biologists believe that the reason why this is happening, is because of a change in weather during different seasons such as winter, when the winters aren't as harsh anymore. The northern squirrels are more comfortable with the colder weather, while the southern squirrels are not as adaptable to the cold weather. And now, due to less biting cold during the Canadian winters, the southern squirrels are still able to mingle with the northern squirrels. Wildlife biologists suspect that the two species first started interacting in 2002, when biologists found strange mixes between both breeds. Mr. Bowman, a wildlife biologist who works for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources made a team in 2004 and went out to capture northern flying squirrels, but instead, only caught southerners. THis was in the northern migration location of the southern flying squirrels, but this location was also a place where northerners stayed. As the team ventured north, they brought along a geneticist from Trent University. As they studied the flying squirrels in this area, they found out that approximately 5% of the squirrels there had a mixed gene pool from both species. Because we are not capable of controlling the migration habits of these squirrels, and we cannot control whether they commingle or not, we might as well give them a memorable name. People have come up with Glaucomys vobrinus, a combination of the two latin names of the animals. Peopl cannot call them canadian squirrels, because that is what the northern squirrels are referred to as. Mr. Bowman, is leaning towards calling them SoNo, because they are southern, and northern fliers.

Northern Flying Squirrel

Southern Flying Squirrel

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